Tuesday 19 August 2014

Like looking at my underwear


This is great.  This app,  komoot,  records my position over time and displays it on a map for all to see. As a veteran* bicycle courier I've always taken great pride in keeping secret how ass backward I end up getting places. Now this bit of privacy is gone. Now everyone can see every stupid wrong turn I make, every time wasting back track. Every roundabout route.

So as the link shows,  I made it from Berlin to Berlin and then stopped the app by accident. But for the record,  I made it to a wonderful couple's house south of potsdam and am surfing their couch. They have somewhere between 5-7 children and numerous semi -permanent guests. We had chocolate and tea and talked about everything under the sun. So far, so good!


*"veteran" just meaning that I quit doing it. Not that I was ever very good at it.

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